Saying Goodbye to Ms.Muñoz

Photos provided by Angelica Vazquez

March, 2023

By Angelica Vazquez, Staff Reporter

As the school year ends, we say goodbye to our friends and some of our favorite teachers like Rosa Muñoz. Though we hope to see them the following year, to be around them once again, some of these are forever goodbyes. As she is a valued member of KIPP Austin Collegiate, I had a chance to interview Ms.Muñoz after her dedication these past couple years she’s worked to help the school and students. 

What year did you start working at KIPP Austin Collegiate? 

Rosa Muñoz: “I initially started working at Collegiate back in 2018, I was around the age of  22-23. I came straight out of college, after UT. It is my 6th year here. I first did Advice Texas which was me becoming an advisor, and then the last four years I have been a Junior Seminar counselor. My first two years I was helping seniors with Senior Seminar, and these past four years I’ve been focusing on just helping juniors.”

What is your next step after heading out of KAC?

RM: “After this year I’m planning to move back to Dallas, which is my home town. I’m still figuring it out. I know for sure I want to find a job that aligns to my career goal, which is hopefully to go back to school, get my masters, and someday become a therapist! That is my end goal, so right now I’m searching, making sure that I find something that’s going to help me align moving back to Dallas to make sure it sets me up for success to go back to graduate school.”

How would you describe your years teaching at KAC?

RM: “I feel that from the past six years from the beginning to now— it’s been pretty hard, I’m not going to lie. But, it has allowed me to really grow as a professional. I would say that it’s as if you were to hold a torch and slowly that light fades away, and I’m at a point where if the wind blows, it is gone, I’m pretty burned out. I know that everyone that has ever worked at KIPP understands what I’m talking about. This job is hard, it’s really really hard, but yet it’s really rewarding. And it has taught me that no matter how difficult days could be, students really make it worth it. I know students say “Oh well teachers don’t get paid enough, why are you doing this job?”, but to me at least it makes me happy to know that I have positive impacts on students’ lives. And I know that I have helped them graduate, get a job, get into this cool college, get scholarships, even if that’s something they never thought they would do. I just know that I really made a huge impact in some of these students’ lives and that’s something that has allowed me to continue to stay here for so long.”

What made you take the decision of leaving?

RM:  “The main reason as to why I’m ready to take the next step in terms of finding something new is because I have outgrown this position. I’m proud of everything that I have done because I really took my time to rebuild and re-invent Junior Seminar, and now because of that we have seen a lot of successes in junior and senior year. I’m really proud of being able to help with that. Now thinking of me as a professional, I’m ready to move on and go forward just like any other job. It comes to a point when you’re ready to move on and I know I made enough impact in students’ lives. I supported and helped the staff here and I’ve done my part. I’m ready to see how I can grow farther.”

What has this journey of yours taught you?

RM: “KIPP really helped me become a professional. I am the employee that I am because of KIPP. Yes it is very hard to be a teacher at Collegiate, but it does teach you how to be on top of your stuff, allowing you to get leadership experience, to take more initiative. It teaches you great skills that I know I can take anywhere even if it’s not in a teacher’s position. And I appreciate that because I have some of my friends that are also teachers in other schools and they tell me that it’s nothing like what I’ve been through over here to be a teacher, so I’m really thankful for that. I know a lot of places don’t allow teachers to grow like I have at least here at KIPP.”

With Munoz wanted to say a few more words

And while personally I haven’t known Muñoz for that long, in the times I’ve talked to her throughout the year, she has taught me. She as a person is someone that makes you feel welcome and comfortable. I know as a teacher she helps her students as much as she can, it’s visible the affection she has towards them. You can always see the effort that she gives to help those around her. 

So, I want to personally say thank you to Muñoz, for sticking around for the previous kids she taught. Thank you for giving me and others your trust and time for being a part of our lives. I wish you nothing but the best in this journey of your new beginnings. I hope you find yourself once again and get to be that woman full of light and energetic. – Reporter, Angelica Vazquez

Photo provided by Angelica Vazquez

Rosa Muñoz and past juniors of the Class of 2023, now on their way to college.

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