The Senior Office of 24’ 

October, 2023

By Litzy Olguin, News Writer

                  Senior year is made to prioritize you to pass your AP exams, enroll for college, prepare you for your future, build relationships for your secondary pathway, etc. To clear your head from all those things the senior office is there to make your last year of highschool the best year yet. Karen Reyna (President), Lisette Reyna (Vice-president), Dayanna De Leon (Treasurer), Rubi Aviles (Secretary) and Sarianna Martinez (Parliamentary) have shared with us their roles and goals for the class of 24’.  

                 As I interviewed the Senior Office they shared how they did not want their last year of high school to be basic and wanted to change the norm. The senior office emphasizes their goals and wishes for the class of 24 and hopes to see a change in the class by showing more school spirit and open with new ideas to come. Lisette says “I’ve seen lack of tradition, lack of culture and lack of school spirit…. I just really want our last year to be memorable and to have the high school experience that we’ve never had before”. As they share the change they want to see Dayanna also mentions “It’s like all repeated and I feel like this year we have the opportunity to choose what we want to do”. 

               The Senior Committee wants to show a sense of family by uniting our community together. By doing so our first event was the Senior Sunrise, this brought people together to watch the sun rise up and by making it memorable we experienced this with our classmates granting a huge success. Dayanna De Leon did her part by raising money already. She says “selling since the beginning of the event will help us have a  successful prom”. Adding to that she also says “when money is raised in the correct way then having a good and fun senior year should not be a problem”  

          As the secretary role Rubi Aviles wants the class of 2024 to run smoothly and organized. She says “ I want to make sure the president and Vice President don’t have to worry about the little things” Such as events, locations, occasions plans and making sure our senior year is up to the students’ expectations.

 As our Senior Office President, Karen Reyna wants to leave no regrets behind and is committed to achieve her goals for this year’s class. Leaving us with this message  “I knew that if anyone was going to be the change, it was going to be this senior office!”.               

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