We Want Early Release On Friday Back

October, 2023

Writen by, Jesus Perez Cruz & Bryan Vazquez

Starting on August 17 of 2023 at  Kipp austin collegiate students and teachers had gotten news that early release on friday had been removed for 15 minutes from regular days.

The main reason why no one likes this change is because the minutes that were taken away from our schedule before were from our lunch. The reason we care about them taking away the early release is because it was something we liked and it was something that we looked forward to in the week. It was the day that we got to relax and spend time with our families and be able to do extra curricular activities that interest us. Also it was a way to make sure students did not stress out and were able to balance work with school and  recharge for the next week of school. 

Most of my friends agree that taking Friday off was a bad decision. One of my friends stated  “Having to leave school  at 4:30 every day is stressing me out more than when we left school early on fridays.” “I wish they never removed early release on Fridays”.

Towards the end of the 2022 school year, news began to spread that the school would eliminate early dismissal on Fridays and shorten the school schedule, but it was unclear whether the news was just a rumor or fact.No one understands why the change was made mainly due to the fact that little to no student or teacher  agrees to such change especially considering the fact that most schools get out way earlier on the regular.

Although most don’t agree with such a choice being made we have no choice but to go with it.Most have already settled for this schedule and the school clearly has as well. “Thing never go the way people want because life is unfair everywhere you go”

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