Boys Basketball Preps for Season in Fall League

Photo provided by Darren Dukes

October, 2023

By Darren Dukes, Senior Sports Reporter

As the boys’ basketball season quickly approaches, coaches Kadron Johnson, also known as KJ, and Anthony Martin are promptly preparing their players for the basketball storm that is to come. As a prelude to the normal regular season which starts in November, boys basketball, both JV and Varsity, participate in a fall league for 6 weeks at St. Michael’s Catholic Academy in West Austin throughout September and October. Typically these games are played in order to build chemistry and cohesiveness within the team, and to give players a chance to go over plays against actual competition.  

New addition to the JV team sophomore Jeremiah Vela says that he has had a fun time playing in fall league. He says that fall league has helped improve his confidence and team chemistry as a whole. He enjoys the difference between structured organized basketball and freelance street basketball. He feels like organized basketball can help him improve more as a player and realize his strengths and weaknesses.

Third-year player senior Jermiah Luna also agrees that fall league helped develop the varsity team’s chemistry. Luna says that it helped everyone learn plays and become cohesive. He feels that he has been able to work on improving his defense and passing ability. As a first year varsity player Luna says he notices the shift from JV to varsity skills-wise and has had to slowly but surely adjust. There is no real prize for fall league wins, but Luna says that he still takes every game seriously because it helps the team prepare. Also, due to being a senior, this is his last year playing for the school’s team so he wants to make every game that he plays count. 

JV finished the fall league season with a two-win four-loss record, meanwhile varsity finished with a record of four wins and two losses.

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