Is the Resident Evil 4 DLC worth it ?

December, 2023

By Joshua Briones, Staff Reporter

Resident Evil 4 has done it’s latest update, improving and adding new characters to the mercenaries (a game mode) and most importantly adding Ada’s part of the story. The downloadable content package (DLC) “Separate Ways” has been greatly requested since the launch of the base game which was in 24th of March 2023. Users were confused about why it wasn’t there once they finished the game, since in the original Resident Evil 4 it was there. Some speculated they just got rid of it and others knew it was going to be a DLC. So if they are charging ten dollars for something that was free 18 years ago it must be really good right? To answer that question: Yes, it’s definitely worth it. 

The separate ways DLC has a lot to offer from the old one–not only from new and improved graphics to a whole new story.  A bunch of new stuff has been added to this DLC, including cut content from the base game such as the laser room. The laser room was present in the old Resident Evil 4 but it got cut out in the remake. They added it back in separate ways, meaning instead of Leon being in the laser room it’s Ada. Another thing they have added back is the cable car section of the game. In the old Resident Evil 4 there was a section of the game where Leon had to go in a cable car and defend his cable car from the enemies that were trying to drop it. Once again they added it to separate ways and Ada will be taking this section instead of Leon. 

Now that we have gone through the old cut content let’s see what’s new in the DLC.

To start off the entire story is new in this new story, Ada is being hunted down by a parasite known as “U-3” in the old one she just had to encounter enemies Leon already has encountered like the villagers, Krauser, “El gigante”, and Saddler, the final boss of the game. 

Ada’s objective is also brand new within the old game being to retrieve a “plaga” sample from Saddler to the new one being collecting the amber from Luis Serra. Aside from the story being changed there is also Wesker’s appearance in the game. He didn’t show up at all in the old game.

Another thing that is brand new is the Luis Serra AI. In the old game both Ashley and Luis Serra were non-playable characters but in the new game they are able to help you and you can also interact with them depending on what action you do near them. 

All in all “Separate Ways” lived up to the expectations and it’s a very fun DLC. It is packed with lots of action, a few scares and a few more added scenes that make the story complete definitely worth the buy.

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