More Winter Break Activities

Photo via Wikimedia Commons.

December, 2023

By Litzy Olguin, Staff Reporter

As the holidays come up, we want to spend most of our time with friends and family because it gives us a cozy feeling that liberates our Christmas spirit. We become closer as we spend more time together and participate in Christmas activities. So what do you do if you’ve already visited the Trail of Lights and gone ice skating at Town Lake?

Remember that the holidays are about calling our family and friends to celebrate another year together. It’s about spending time with our loved ones and planning activities to spend our holiday time. Here are 3 more ideas of what you can do during your Christmas Break.

Secret Santa Gift Exchange: 

Giving gifts to our friends and family is sweet and all, but it’s more exciting when your friend has no clue you’re the person giving them a present. Secret Santa gift exchange involves people who would like to participate and then everyone randomly chooses a name from a bowl, except you can’t tell that person you got them because it’s a secret! No one has a clue who they are getting a gift from but we know we are giving a present to. The point of this little gift exchange is so that all the build-up curiosity is revealed when we get our Christmas present. 

Gingerbread Contest: 

Decorating a gingerbread house gives us time that we take for granted with our family members and it gives us a chance to rekindle old memories with them. As the years pass, it becomes a tradition for families to do a gingerbread contest to enjoy the holiday spirit. It may be a cliche thing to do during the holidays but it turns a cold night into a warm holiday tradition. Not only does this activity involve art skills but once the winner is decided, we get to eat our masterpiece.

Christmas Trip: 

Wouldn’t it be nice to spend the holiday where there is snow? Book a Christmas trip! Snow excites us and it makes the holidays more enjoyable and cheerful, making it a memorable experience. A Christmas trip can reunite family and friends and can become a yearly Christmas tradition. Holiday trips bring families together and allow us to create new memories. This is the season to be cheerful and recognize the holiday spirit coming to life. 

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