Cardinal Boys JV Basketball Team Shoots for Playoff Glory

February, 2024

By Andy Guzman and Jonathan Miralrio, Staff Reporters

As the regular season dust settles, the Cardinals of Collegiate High School find themselves standing tall on the court, poised for a journey into the playoffs.

With a season marked by tenacity, skill, and unwavering team spirit, the Cardinals have emerged as a force to be reckoned with. The echoes of every dribble, every swish of the net, and every triumphant cheer from their dedicated fan base have propelled them into the postseason spotlight. Led by their exceptional coaching staff and fueled by the unyielding determination of each player, the Cardinals are prepared to soar to new heights. As they lace up their sneakers and step onto the playoff stage, the anticipation and excitement within the school community are palpable. The sea of red and white will rally behind the Cardinals, cheering them on every step of the way as these young athletes aim to leave an indelible mark on the courts and etch their names into the annals of high school basketball history. The playoffs await, and the Cardinals are ready to spread their wings and seize the opportunity for glory.

In a thrilling culmination to their season, the Cardinals secured a resounding victory in their last game on Thursday, January 11, triumphing over the Griffin School in the KAC gym with a final score of 39 to 23. The court was ablaze with energy as the Cardinals displayed exceptional teamwork, strategic plays, and unwavering determination. What made this victory even more special was the emergence of a surprise player who stepped up remarkably. Against all expectations, a relatively unsung player, David Nguyen, delivered an outstanding performance, leaving both teammates and fans in awe. Nguyen not only showcased incredible skill on the court but also demonstrated a keen understanding of the game, making pivotal plays that contributed significantly to the team’s success. The entire school community erupted in cheers as Nguyen proved that, in the world of sports, every member of the team has the potential to become a game-changer. The Cardinals celebrated not only a well-deserved win but also the collective effort that defined their season, leaving a lasting memory of triumph and teamwork.

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