“No one cares. Work harder.”

An interview with Varsity Boys goalkeeper Leo Lara

Photo provided by Leo Lara

February, 2024

By Edgardo Sanchez, Staff Reporter

KAC’s state championship 2022-2023 soccer season was an eye opener for varsity junior goalkeeper Leo Lara, allowing him to face both wins and losses and ultimately share the field with his teammates for an unforgettable experience. After playing junior varsity the previous season, last year Lara got a chance to to demonstrate he is ready to play with varsity. Getting on the team proved a great opportunity for Lara, and chance for him to demonstrate his hard work and love for the art of Goalkeeping.

The Cardinal Post talked to Lara about his experience and role on the team, his goals, and his personal philosophy. This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

How do you feel you have performed over the years while on the team? Could you have done better?

I believe I learned a lot over my time After playing JV, and experiencing that year I believe after the playoffs I improved.

What role do you play in the team now? Do you get along..

I keep the morale up or I try my best to make my teammates laugh. I’d say I get along well with my team even through our differences we get along.

How will you continue to improve your ability to play as a team?

“No one cares. Work harder.”

What’s something you can do to fix miscommunications in the field?

I can talk with my teammates outside of the field, like [during] practice, in order to work on our chemistry and perfect how we play on the field.

How can you keep the trust of your teammates so that they’ll keep you as their goalkeeper?

I have my moments. For example when I messed up in the Manor tournament, I managed to save a free kick after my mess up.

What does behind the scene look like for you? Do you believe you deserve to be on the varsity team?

I think I’ve showed enough to have a spot in the team. I practice not only in school but also outside of school in my club, the Texans.

How well do your teammates trust you as a Goalkeeper?

I’m working on ensuring our chemistry, as I have made mistakes. But I believe I have bounced back.

Photo provided by Leo Lara

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