Stanley Fever Makes People Go Crazy

Images provided by Marisol Palomo

February 2024

By Marisol Palomo, Staff Reporter

Are Stanleys really worth the hype? The Stanley 1913 brand has been around for more than a century, but in recent years, the company has been releasing new signature lines with colorful cups and new designs and doing collaborations that are so popular they incite near-violence. 

Social media marketing is a powerful tool that influences many people into buying these cups and not only these cups but also other products such as makeup, clothes, food places, and more. As the company released their new Stanley cups, which have been arriving at stores such as Target and Dicks, and collaborated with Starbucks to create a special edition cup, they increased their demand and became a sensation. When people find out that new Stanley cups are in their nearby stores, they go and buy them immediately. They don’t care how much each cost; they just want the latest models of Stanley because they think they are “trendy” and want to express their style and taste through owning a Stanley.  

Social media, mainly TikTok, posted the new Stanley Cups and made people go to Target. These cups have made many people line up outside of Target stores at 5 a.m. As soon as the Target opens its doors, people make a run for it, to the point where they push each other and fight for the new Stanleys. Recently, the Valentine’s collection, which included pink and red Stanleys in various colors, was released, and it created chaos at stores, where customers rushed to get the cups before they sold out. When seeing videos of people fighting for these expensive cups, it made me realize that people are actually crazy. We get easily influenced by the internet, and it’s not healthy. Not only has it made people go crazy, but a few weeks ago, a woman got arrested for stealing 65 Stanleys. That is worth 2.5K of just Stanleys. Many people don’t realize how big the problem is, but people just say it’s a trend and they just want validation of the internet. 

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