Madame Web Receives Justifiable Backlash

April, 2024

By Edgardo Sanchez and Jesus Perez Cruz, Staff Reporters

Madame Web came out on February 14th but was battered by online media for its poor writing and terrible acting. Unfortunately, we have to agree with these points. 

We found the movie disappointing, as some scenes had downright horrible acting, which set the tempo of the movie as a whole. Madame Web was, unfortunately, a massive miss and only worth watching if you are truly bored.

The criticism that the movie is receiving on TikTok is well-deserved and understandable. One particular clip that came across on my feed showed Madame Web and her friends running away from Ezekiel, but their facial expressions and body language lacked any real sense of urgency or fear. This lack of authenticity in their acting was quite disappointing, especially considering the hype surrounding the movie. To be honest, our expectations for the movie were already quite low, but unfortunately, those expectations were met and even exceeded negatively. 

As someone who has enjoyed and appreciated some of the iconic Spider-Man movies from the past, I was hoping to see some glimpses of a good movie. However, this movie fell short of my expectations, and it was quite disappointing to see how poorly executed it was in terms of the acting, storyline, and special effects. 

While the movie may have fallen short in terms of acting and storyline, some people might find comedic value in how bad it was. There were moments when the scenes were so poorly executed that they became unintentionally funny yet disappointing. Overall, the movie was a letdown, and it failed to live up to the expectations of many fans. While it’s always tough to please everyone, it’s clear that this movie left a lot that was desired.

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