Overrated/Underrated: Comparing ATX Restaurants

January, 2023 By Camila Juarez and Dannarys Gutierrez, Staff Reporters Austin, Texas is very popular for its rich, diverse food culture. When you think you’ve discovered all the food places, new ones pop up. But with so many restaurants to choose from: which ones are hidden treasures and which ones are a let down?  OneContinue reading “Overrated/Underrated: Comparing ATX Restaurants”

The Empty Whiteboard: Teacher Shortage Leaves KAC Lost

February, 2023 By Liliana Castillo and Emily Chalambaga, Staff Reporters In the past year alone, schools have seen a dramatic decline in teachers nationwide. With more than 1,000 vacancies in early August, it’s safe to assume that schools will continue to suffer with their shortage of educators. The shortage has also affected our own community,Continue reading “The Empty Whiteboard: Teacher Shortage Leaves KAC Lost”