An Interview With Class of 2022’s Valedictorian

By Valeria Velasco, Sports and News Editor May, 2022 As graduation season comes upon us, the class of 2022 prepares for the next chapter of their lives. They’ve faced trials and tribulations all throughout high school, especially through online school. As a class, they’ve grown and set an example for the classes below them. FranciscoContinue reading “An Interview With Class of 2022’s Valedictorian”

Band Director Bids Farewell

By Mar Ayala, Editor in Chief May, 2022 With the end of the school year, seniors aren’t the only ones bidding farewell. Brian Klenzendorf, KAC’s music director is also having to say goodbye. Although his work with KIPP Collegiate may be over, he still has more to offer and say. Mar Ayala: How long haveContinue reading “Band Director Bids Farewell”

KAC’s 21-22 Last First Thursday

By Leslie Espinoza and Amie Esteban, Staff Reporters May, 2022 At KIPP Austin Collegiate, we celebrate the beginning of a new quarter with something called First Thursday, which used to be called First Friday. First Thursday is the end of the quarter celebration. We have all of our classes and then the last 2 hoursContinue reading “KAC’s 21-22 Last First Thursday”

20th Annual KIPP Night Out

By Mar Ayala, Editor in Chief May, 2022 On Saturday, May 14th, Fine Arts students, Dance Crew, and Robotics students were able to perform and showcase for KIPP’s 20th Anniversary of being in Austin. Students from band, guitar, steel drums, and voice were able to perform on the villa for guests to enjoy. Dance studentsContinue reading “20th Annual KIPP Night Out”

End of 21-22 SNHS Chapter

By Arlette Peña, Staff Reporter May, 2022 April 26th all students in SNHS gathered after school to celebrate their year’s accomplishments and say their goodbyes to the seniors.The president, Francisco Morales, better known as Francis by his friends, opened up with a speech to his fellow members. Francisco talked about things they did this yearContinue reading “End of 21-22 SNHS Chapter”

Bringing Back Music After a Pandemic

By Kitzia Vazquez, Staff Reporter May, 2022 On April 23rd, KAC hosted the Charter School Music Competition after being canceled for two years. The schools that competed were KIPP Austin College Prep, Wayside Sci-Tech High School, IDEA Montopolis and lastly our own KIPP Austin Collegiate. Seven of the bands were competitors and only two ofContinue reading “Bringing Back Music After a Pandemic”

Learning ASL at KAC

By Alexis Rodriguez, Staff Reporter May 2022 KIPP Collegiate’s new sign language club is a relatively new group that was founded last year and has been growing as the school year continues. The American Sign Language Club focuses on its members learning and developing their sign language skills. They decide as a group what theyContinue reading “Learning ASL at KAC”

Differences Between Texas And Colombia About Abortion Laws

By Isabella Bossio and Translated by Sam Juarez April, 2022 First of all, the issue of abortion legalization has always been a great controversy because it is always judged from moral ethics or ideologies. People have had different points of view. I will show two totally different perspectives from two countries that legalized this activity.Continue reading “Differences Between Texas And Colombia About Abortion Laws”

Why Are Gas Prices Increasing?

By Jennifer Reyes, Staff Reporter April, 2022 From February to March of 2022, gas prices in the United States increased, eventually averaging more than $4 a gallon. This is due in part to Russia invading Ukraine under the order of Russian president Vladimir Putin. The war started February 24 when Russia invaded Ukraine for theContinue reading “Why Are Gas Prices Increasing?”

Diferencias Entre Texas y Colombia Sobre Leyes de Aborto

Escrito por Isabella Bossio, Equipo de Traducciones April, 2022 Antes que nada el tema de la legalización del aborto siempre ha sido una gran controversia debido a que siempre se juzga desde la etica moral o ideologias. Personas han tenido distintos puntos de vista generados. A continuación, mostraré dos perspectivas totalmente diferentes de dos paísesContinue reading “Diferencias Entre Texas y Colombia Sobre Leyes de Aborto”