Cómo Sobrevivir La Secundaria

Mayo, 2023 Por Lizeth Moctezuma, Directora de Editores. Traducido por Julie Gonzalez, Directora de Redes Sociales. En tu último año de secundaria, esta es la recta final antes de que puedas comenzar tu vida como quieras. Pero antes de dejar que la senioritis gane, lo cual sucederá sin importar qué tan preparado esté, intente graduarseContinue reading “Cómo Sobrevivir La Secundaria”

Clase de Consejos: Como Navigar Highschool

Mayo, 2023 Por Lizeth Moctezuma, Directora de Editores. Traducido por Julie Gonzalez, Directora de Redes Sociales. Mientras los estudiantes de último año cuentan los días que faltan para la graduación, en estos momentos finales no podemos evitar pensar en nuestros años universitarios y en las partes que desearíamos poder volver a hacer. Aferrándonos a losContinue reading “Clase de Consejos: Como Navigar Highschool”

Minde Says Goodbye to Collegiate

May, 2023 By Baily Tavira, Staff Reporter In this in-depth interview, senior assistant principal Abby Minde bids farewell to her KAC years, reminisces, and shares her insight after four years with our Cardinals. The conversation has been edited for length and clarity. What do you remember about your first year at Collegiate?  “My first yearContinue reading “Minde Says Goodbye to Collegiate”

How to Survive Senior Year

May, 2023 By Lizeth Moctezuma, Editor-in-Chief In your last year of highschool, this is the home stretch before you get to start your life however you want. But before you let senioritis win, which will happen no matter how prepared you are– try to graduate with no regrets. As vague and impossible as it sounds,Continue reading “How to Survive Senior Year”

Senior Advice 101 (Freshman to Junior Year Ver.)

May, 2023 By Lizeth Moctezuma, Editor-in-Chief As seniors countdown the days until graduation, in these final moments we can’t help but think of our Collegiate years and the parts we wish we could do over. Holding on to the advice we would’ve liked to have known sooner, before the Class of 2023 graduates— these areContinue reading “Senior Advice 101 (Freshman to Junior Year Ver.)”

Why We Should Cherish Pets More

Chalupita from Castillo May, 2023 By Liliana Castillo, Staff Reporter Dogs have been an everyday part of humanity’s life for as long as we can recall. They provide us with so many things such as company on lonely days, entertainment for when we’re bored, and happy memories we cherish for a lifetime. Although there isContinue reading “Why We Should Cherish Pets More”

Una Mirada a La Exposición de Agresión Sexual

Mayo, 2023 Por Liliana Castillo y Emily Chalambaga. Traducido por Julie Gonzalez, Directora de Redes Sociales El Museo de Bastrop y Centro de Visitantes, situado en 904 Main Street, Bastrop, TX, ha exhibido una exposición de la Fundación Family Crisis Center sobre el tema de la agresión sexual. Esta exposición permite conocer la historia delContinue reading “Una Mirada a La Exposición de Agresión Sexual”

August D: Behind the Artist

May, 2023 By Julie Gonzalez, Social Media Editor Agust D is one of the most loved rappers of the Kpop industry. While most rappers put out music that just talk about substances or intimate love, Agust D makes sure to include real life issues such as mental health or personal problems he himself has faced,Continue reading “August D: Behind the Artist”

Bidding Farewell to Long-Time Teacher Mr.Breault

May, 2023 By Emilia Corrales, Staff Reporter Before he departs from Collegiate once and for all, the Cardinal Post had the chance to interview Mr.Breault. Formerly known as Collegiate’s AP Government turned AP Human geography teacher, Breault is a very open minded, confident, and outspoken person and has worked at KIPP for over 10 years!Continue reading “Bidding Farewell to Long-Time Teacher Mr.Breault”

Ike’s Love, Sandwiches, & More!

May, 2023 By Ashley Gonzalez-Diaz and Yohana De Los Santos, Staff Reporters In the mood of trying different varieties of sandwiches? Well you can try out this new sandwich shop located near Mueller! Ike’s Love & Sandwiches serves all different types of sandwiches such as vegetarian sandwiches and your typical meat sandwiches. And, fun fact,Continue reading “Ike’s Love, Sandwiches, & More!”