Shhhhh … Seniors (allegedly) Live it Up on Senior Skip Day

May, 2024 By Elizabeth Landin, Staff Reporter Senior Skip Day (allegedly) occurred on May 3, 2024. Although the event is not officially recognized by KAC, seniors traditionally coordinate a day in their last month of school to miss class, accepting the consequence of an unexcused absence. This year, many went out in groups while othersContinue reading “Shhhhh … Seniors (allegedly) Live it Up on Senior Skip Day”

Boys Soccer Wins HCAL, Back-to-Back TCSAAL State Championships

May, 2024 By Isabella Herrera, Staff Reporter The KAC Varsity Soccer Boys are now back-to-back state champions for TCSAAL and HCAL! On Saturday, April 13, the Cardinal boys faced Marine Military Academy at Austin Achieve and won 4-2. The boys also faced YES Prep Southeast on May 4 at Rice University in Houston, winning 1-0.Continue reading “Boys Soccer Wins HCAL, Back-to-Back TCSAAL State Championships”

Cardinal Girls Win Their First State Championship

May, 2024 By Anali Garcia, Staff Reporter The varsity girls soccer team brought home its first ever state championship with a dominant 5-1 win over Houston’s YES Prep East-End on Saturday, May 5 at Rice University in Houston. The Honor Charters Athletics League (HCAL) championship is the first state championship for any female athletics programContinue reading “Cardinal Girls Win Their First State Championship”

Ending the Year with Rilo Kiley

May, 2024 By Anthony Muñoz, Staff Music Critic This month’s album was selected by 11th-grade English teacher Lydia Garrighan. Anthony’s Rating: 8.4/10 The world of music is a roller coaster: finding a new artist feels like being at the peak of the ride, about to dive into a thrilling experience. But after riding that rollerContinue reading “Ending the Year with Rilo Kiley”

Noticias de última hora: Decir adiós a nuestra querida maestra Ms.Blanco

Foto tomada por Joseph Nino Mientras la promoción de 2024 está lista para graduarse y despedirse de KAC, alguien más también se graduará junto con los estudiantes del último año. Esa no es otra que la maestra de AP Lang, la Sra. Blanco. Aunque es posible que muchos estudiantes aquí no sepan quién es ella,Continue reading “Noticias de última hora: Decir adiós a nuestra querida maestra Ms.Blanco”

Breaking Blanco: Saying Goodbye to a Beloved Senior Teacher

May, 2024 By Joseph Nino, Arts & Culture Editor As the Class of 2024 is ready to graduate and say their bye-byes to KAC, someone else will also be graduating along with the seniors. That is none other than AP Lang teacher, Ms. Blanco. Although many students here may not know who she is, theContinue reading “Breaking Blanco: Saying Goodbye to a Beloved Senior Teacher”

Where Are They Now? Here They Are!

May, 2024 By Liliana Castillo and Joseph Nino, Editors KAC has seen a multitude of teachers come and go, each leaving their impact on both the school and their students. It’s never easy saying goodbye to a teacher who truly cares about your well-being, much past their typical job requirements. Especially teachers who have beenContinue reading “Where Are They Now? Here They Are!”

¿Vale la pena ir a Olive Garden?

Para disfrutar de su experiencia gastronómica, debe disfrutar del ambiente, que Olive Garden ha aprendido a seguir mejorando. Olive Garden tiene un ambiente limpio y de estilo italiano, y puedes percibirlo al entrar. Al entrar, te reciben unos recepcionistas muy respetuosos y amables. Al sentarse en una mesa/cabina, el camarero te hace sentir bienvenido yContinue reading “¿Vale la pena ir a Olive Garden?”