Interview with Leaders of Black Excellence

February, 2023

By Angelica Vasquez, Staff Reporter

Here at KIPP Austin Collegiate, The Black Excellence club led by 11th-graders Kimorah Franklin and Kendall Martin strives to create change in the community and help students express themselves. We talked to the two leaders to get group members’ perspective on the club, its value, and its role at KAC. This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

What’s the reason for Black Excellence?  

Kendall Martin: To make a safe place where Black people can come together and score around minorities, and just celebrate each other and all of our greatness because honestly, we don’t get that a lot in our lives and our school life.

What are the main things Black Excellence tries to focus on? 

Kimorah Franklin: The main thing our group focuses on is how our culture deserves more, and what we have been through, and to acknowledge, and show appreciation to all the African American people that have helped us in today’s life. We also focus on how we should spread awareness of our culture and allow others to know what we bring, who we are, and how our culture has impacted the world. 

 What impact are you trying to give to the students of the school? 

KM: Just awareness, honestly. I don’t believe anyone here interacts with Black people everyday. We’re just trying to show that we’re cool, we’re what’s up. Simply awareness and respect. We’re trying to show the opposite of the impression that the outside world has about us. They need to know that we’re not like that. 

 What do you wish was more talked about at KAC in terms of ethnicity?

KF: What should be more talked about when it comes to our ethnicity is the legacy that we have. 

KM: People are uneducated about what it is to be African-American. Oppression is real and no one seems to realize that. I wish people knew. You know that Black people struggle, and the justice system, it’s not in our favor at all. And how we’re not “thugs” or hoodlums, that’s basically how we’re painted.

The Black Excellence group meets in Ms. Shaw’s room (334) on Fridays during the first half of lunch. 

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