The Scout Cookie Famine

Photo provided by Wikimedia Commons

March, 2023

By Jason Carbajal, Staff Reporter

I’m sure some of you have noticed that there have been less sightings of girl scouts around the areas where they usually are selling.

Why is this happening?

According to a December 2022 press release, a Girl Scout Cookie shortage has arrived. Girl scout cookies are produced and distributed at one of two supplier locations: Little Brown Bakers (LBB) and ABC Bakers. The distribution and manufacturing of girl scout cookies varies by region. Due to this some parts of the country having different inventory options when compared to others, each supplier is responsible for the distribution of their product to the troops who are selling in their location. However, Little Brown Bakers has been experiencing power outages, slowing down production and causing a shortage.

How the Shortage Impacts Sales 

The supply shortage is affecting cookie availability in some areas around the country. Some cookies are so coveted -yet in such short supply- that some boxes like Raspberry Rally are going for around $100 on sites like eBay when they normally sell for $5. A scout spokesperson responded to the selling of their product “Girl Scouts of the USA is disappointed to see unauthorized resales of Girl Scout cookies online through third-party e-commerce platforms. While we are happy that there’s such a strong demand for our cookies year-over-year, we’re saddened that the platforms and the sellers are disregarding the core mission of the cookie program and are looking to make a profit off of the name without supporting our mission and the largest girl-led entrepreneurship program in the world.”

Girl scouts cookies have been a staple across America since 1917, this spring tradition continued so that girl scouts could make money to pay for activities. Since their opening the girl scouts non-profit organization has hosted on-site , and door-to-door sales. They are also at communal locations like supermarkets as well as their online site where they can be ordered. These official methods help support girl scouts as well as their supplier, their cookies can be bought at a cheaper price than buying from a third-party seller online.

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