Girls Soccer Ends Their Phenomenal Season

Photo by Karen Ochoa

April, 2023

By Baily Tavira, Staff Reporter

Undefeated in the Austin Region, the 22-2023 Varsity girls soccer played an amazing season. Working for what they wanted, it all started before school even began. From 9am-12pm, Monday through Thursday, the Lady Cardinals attended the “KAC Soccer Camp”  to get a head start on their personal and team development.

Coach Avila hosted these training sessions, saying: “The fact that the majority of the team came in for summer camps… They lifted weights, they worked on strength and conditioning, and they worked on skill.” This was an important part of the team’s development, it not only helped them prepare for their season, but also helped them work on their weaknesses.

Photo by Jonathan Avila.

The KAC girls soccer team had one preseason game in December against St. Dominic Savio Catholic High School. After getting scored on within the first half of the match,  the girls bounced back and were able to end the game 2-1, with a goal from their Captain, Viviana Vallejo, and another one from Freshman, Bella Garcia.

Pre-Season Tournaments (UT & Wimberley)

In preparation for their season the lady cardinals attended the UT Invitational where they played 4 games. On the first day of the tournament, they faced Navarro High School. They won 3-1 with goals from Jennifer Escobedo, Bella Garcia, and Brianna Jaimes. On the second day, they played Houston Christian High School, the game ended 0-1 with a goal from Freshman, Bella Garcia. Later on that day, they faced AWTY International High School. That was pretty intense. The game ended 0-2 . The next day they played against Cornerstone High School. The KAC Cardinals were losing 2-0 in the first half. But they turned it around and managed to tie the game 2-2 with goals from freshman Bella Garcia and Adriana Bernal. This tournament was great. It allowed the team to showcase their talent outside of their league. 

In January, the KAC Cardinals attended the Wimberley Cup. On the first day, they went up against Wimberley High School. That game was a challenge. The girls fought very hard but were unable to obtain their goal. The game ended 10-0. After this game, the cardinals knew that they had to make a switch in their mentality. The second day, they faced Pieper High School . The Cardinals played a better game than the previous night. They didn’t get the scoreboard they wanted but they knew they tried their hardest despite the score. The game ended 0-8.  Their third and final game, they faced Pleasanton High School . The Lady Cardinals completely turned it around and managed to bounce back. The game ended 1-1. This tournament really showed this team’s character. They went from a tough loss to getting better throughout the tournament. Captain, Viviana Vallejo, said “The Wimberley Cup really showed us some competition. It really showed us how strong we could get and how much potential we each have as a team and as individuals as well.”

Regular Season

During the regular season, our Lady Cardinals played a total of 6 games. Ending the season with 6 wins. 4 out of the 6 games were played against Meridian High School. The first game, the home opener, ended 6-3 with two goals each from Bella Garcia and Alexandra Leos, and the rest by Samantha Vallejo, Rubicelia Aviles. This game set the tone for the rest of the season. The second time was an away game where the Cardinals won 3-0 with goals from Yanderin Calderon and two from Bella Garcia. The third game was another away game, the score was 4-1 with goals from Alexandra Leos, two by freshman Bella Garcia and one by Yanderin Calderon. The other two games were against East Austin College Prep. The first game’s score was 15-0, the second game ended 10-2, all great matches for the KAC Cardinals. 

Against crazy weather, the Lady Cardinals had their Senior Night, which took place at Austin Ridge. The Lady Cardinals played a phenomenal game against Meridian. The girls started off the game strong. They possessed the ball very well and kept the ball on Meridian’s side of the field 95% of the match. The score was 10-2, putting a nail in the coffin. It was a great way to not only end the regular season, but to end their seniors’ career as Cardinals.

Photo provided by Baily Tavira

The team’s development has been great. In an interview with Co-captain and Senior, Alexandra Leos, she states, “My favorite part of the season was our first game of the season against Meridian because we were all so excited to officially start our season, and we ended up winning. This was special because as we had tournaments we learned from our previous mistakes in order to make us better athletes.” This comes to show the huge improvement in the team since day one. 

Collegiate’s girls varsity as a whole is a very young team full of potential, only losing two starters to graduation. Through the season they maintained very united, which explains why they have great chemistry with each other. During the season, their midfield was a major factor to this great team. Co-Captain and junior, Viviana Vallejo states, “ The midfield consists of Bella Garcia, Samantha Vallejo, and myself. There have been times where one of us goes up more or drops more, but there is always someone there to cover one another.” Coach Jonathan Avila also highlights the team’s stronger points, “Our team strength has been in our midfield and in our attacking game, our midfield does a great job possessing the ball, does a great job of creating attacks, but really our team captains have been a big strength, shoutout to Kenia Cardenas, Viviana Vallejo, and Alexandra Leos, holding players accountable and also playing very hard.” So not only do the Lady Cardinals have great style of play, but it is only enhanced with how good they play with each other to obtain their goals.

Photo provided by Baily Tavira

Up next was arch-rival KIPP Austin Brave, a North Vs. South rivalry between two sister schools. During previous years, the Cardinals have played the Lady Eagles in many situations. The intensity of these rival games always gets really high, as both teams have been very competitive and physical every time they face each other. With these games getting very intense, it is all about who wants it more. During the 2021-22 Season, the cardinals faced the Eagles in a very important game: Austin TCSAAL Area Championship game. After losing twice to Brave during the regular season, the Cardinals had to win this game. Their plan was to attack right away and that’s exactly what they did. After a tough fight that included many cards, fouls, and arguments— the game ended 3-1 with an incredible comeback!

Once again, on March 20th, the Lady Cardinals faced the Eagles in a “friendly” rival game. The game started really intensely for both teams. In the first half, a foul was called in favor of the Cardinals and a penalty kick was given. Freshman Bella Garcia stepped up to take the PK and struck the ball through the Net. 1-0. During the second half Leos scored another goal, ending the game 2-0. A Cardinal win.

Photo provided by Baily Tavira


The Austin Area Playoff game took place on April 5th against Meridian High School. Due to the extended overtime from the previous game, the girls’ game got pushed back and they were only able to play a 30 minute first half and a 17 minute second half. Both teams played really hard but neither was able to get the goal in the net. Until the last 3 minutes of the match, when sophomore Brianna Jaimes scored an amazing goal. The game was now 1-0. The Lady Cardinals won the game, and were crowned Austin Area Champions. They went off to regionals.

On Saturday, April 8th, the Lady Cardinals took on Founders Shertz at the Texas Regional Championship in San Antonio. This game was a very important game to them as this not only would make them regional champions, but it would also determine if they will move on to state championships. At 1:15 the game started. Since the beginning of the game, the Lady Cardinals dominated the match. Taking many shots on frame, completing passes, switching the field and tiring their opponents.

During the second half, the Lady Cardinals stepped up the game and scored the first goal. That motivated the girls even more and 4 more goals scored. Captain and senior, Kenia Cardenas states, “Despite being 0-0 at half time, as a team we managed to bounce back and ended the game with 5-0 in the second half. We kept fighting till the end and outworked the other team with all our effort and determination to win as a team”. KIPP Austin Collegiate Varsity girls were crowned Texas Regional Champions. What a great game! Now on to the state tournament…

With a packed facility, full bleachers, on Friday, April 14th, the girls took on IDEA Toros at the Round Rock Multipurpose Complex. This was the game that determined if they would make it to the State Final. At 6pm, the whistle blew and the Lady Cardinals began to pressure the opponents. And though unfortunately the Lady Cardinals lost 2-0, overall, the KAC girls varsity soccer team had an amazing season.

With a winning mentality, unity and confidence, they managed to work through hard times and come back from many obstacles in order to continue their way up to the summit. 

Photos by Karen Ochoa.

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