Our History With UFO’s

Photo provided by Wikimedia Commons

By UPI – 1947 June 26 edition of Chicago Sun from Chicago Sun microfilm at Chicago Public Library, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=56686943

May, 2023

By Brayan Angeles Lopez, Managing Editor

The universe is an infinite space where anything can exist, so for us to be alone is highly improbable. UFOs or unidentified flying objects are what people believe aliens or extraterrestrials use to come visit, study, or even abduct, but are they even real?

While the first reported sighting of a UFO dates all the way back to 1440 BC, the first modern sighting happened in 1947 by a man named Kenneth Arnold. Kenneth was a pilot and a businessman who was out looking for a crashed plane when all of the sudden he said “a bright flashing light, similar to sunlight reflecting from a mirror” flew by him at estimated speeds of 1,200 miles per hour. After his sighting, there were about 800 similar sightings reported throughout 1947. Keneth was actually the reason the term flying saucer was commonly used because he described the shape of the object as a “disc” or “saucer” but he never said flying saucer. Kenneth claims to have seen 7 more sightings of UFOs before dying(or maybe killed for knowing too much) at age 68.

 Since then, there have been a handful of sightings. Some notable or interesting ones are The Lubbock Lights(1951), Gordon Cooper’s sighting(1957), Betty and Barney Hill’s abduction(1961), 39th POTUS Jimmy Carter’s sighting(1969), The Night of the UFOs in Brazil(1986), and The Phoenix lights(1997). Currently the government has declassified over 1,500 pages related to UFO sightings. In the year 2022 alone.

-as of 4/19/23 government is looking into about 650 reports


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