Is Austin Home to a Serial Killer?

May, 2023

By Karime Alarcon, Staff Reporter

There have been many assumptions going around that there’s a serial killer in Austin, Texas, but are we certainly sure there is one? Many people started thinking that since nine bodies were being pulled out of Lady Bird Lake and a lot of video of it started surfacing on the internet and getting a lot of attention from people, police officers have no reason to believe that there is a serial killer because within the bodies, they have found in Lady Bird Lake, there are no signs of foul play.

*As noted below*

Supposably, this killer has studied his victims before he approaches them and drugs them at a bar, but the victims that he or she has been approaching have been men in their mid-20s or 30s. There have been 9 bodies discovered in Lady Bird Lake, according to the author Peter Holley in the article of TexasMonthly, some investigators started circulating spreadsheets to link online about stories that go back to 2008, arguing that there have been several suspicious deaths. *Link to the story*

Many of the killings have been happening in a specific place, which is Rainey Street, but those are just suspicions. We don’t certainly know that it’s true because some of the many bodies have not been found near Rainey Street.

In the article in Texas Monthly, it talks about how only, “Two of the bodies were found dead, Jason John and Jonathan Honey,” and that the family members of John have said that they don’t believe he was attacked. Also, there was a third and fourth individual that went missing or was found dead. Martin Guitierrez, 25 years old, went missing from Rainey Street in 2018. Many other bodies have been pulled from various parts of the 416-acre lake as well.

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