“Don’t look up!” 

By Ruth Ramirez, Staff Reporter

On April 8, 2024, a solar eclipse passed through North America in the past seven years. The solar eclipse passed through Austin, Texas, where the students of Kipp Austin Collegiate experienced this phenomenon. Due to the solar eclipse, there was low attendance and empty classrooms. The reason for this is unknown; however, we can assume students wanted to see the solar eclipse from the comfort of their own home. 

Here are some statements from some of the individuals that were present during the solar eclipse, AP Environmental Science Teacher Mr. Minear said, “It was cool; I’ve never seen one before.”  Senior Ariana Garcia gave us her statement about her experience “It was hard to see at times because it was cloudy, but I’m glad I got to share that experience with my friends, and it was good to see our community bonding with each other.” 

Senior Marisol Palomo gave us her statement about her experience “It was very spectacular  and unreal; it would’ve been better if it wasn’t cloudy. I can’t wait to see the next one.”

The solar eclipse brought our community together as we watched the solar eclipse making it a special experience for students and teachers. Although the weather was cloudy and gloomy, it was hard to see at times, but it didn’t stop our community from having a great time and experiencing a core memory we’ll never forget.

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